Medal Titles
L’Affaire Barbecue
Sly Wit
Deafening Thoughts
Pathological Tardiness
Shoulder Leaning

  SOLD   Medal Titles   Incredulous Shriek Footling Interruptions Heroic Dancing Unexpected Snorts Ominous Silence

Medal Titles

Incredulous Shriek
Footling Interruptions
Heroic Dancing
Unexpected Snorts
Ominous Silence

  Medal Titles   Ominous Silence Heroic Dancing Clicking Jaw Telling Glances Backseat Driving   £665 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #3.

Medal Titles
Ominous Silence
Heroic Dancing
Clicking Jaw
Telling Glances
Backseat Driving

£665 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #3.

  Medal Title   Quiet Fuming Backseat Driving Shoulder Leaning Shoe Fetish Alpha Madness    £665 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #4.

Medal Title
Quiet Fuming
Backseat Driving
Shoulder Leaning
Shoe Fetish
Alpha Madness

£665 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #4.

  Medal Titles   The Bathtime Incident Pass Ag Parking  Pathological Tardiness  Mouthed Insults  Wild Promises    £665 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #5.

Medal Titles
The Bathtime Incident
Pass Ag Parking
Pathological Tardiness
Mouthed Insults
Wild Promises

£665 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #5.

  Medal Titles   Opaque Rationale  Tuneless Humming  Unexpected Snorts  Fumbled Apologies  Migratory Socks   £665 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #6.

Medal Titles
Opaque Rationale
Tuneless Humming
Unexpected Snorts
Fumbled Apologies
Migratory Socks

£665 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #6.

  SOLD   Medal Titles   Distracted Nodding  Incredulous Yelp  Ominous Silence  Swimming Against the Tide  Heirloom Breakage

Medal Titles

Distracted Nodding
Incredulous Yelp
Ominous Silence
Swimming Against the Tide
Heirloom Breakage

  SOLD   Medal Titles   Glazed Confusion Detonated Liberace Medal Sass Loud Chewing Expanding Waistband

Medal Titles

Glazed Confusion
Detonated Liberace Medal
Loud Chewing
Expanding Waistband

  SOLD   Medal Titles   Icy Room Stoicism Timely Shrug Bear Hug Head Tossing Backseat Driving

Medal Titles

Icy Room Stoicism
Timely Shrug
Bear Hug
Head Tossing
Backseat Driving

  SOLD   Medal Titles   Dark Secrets Head Tossing Incongruous Mirth Forgotten Anniversary Burnt Offerings

Medal Titles

Dark Secrets
Head Tossing
Incongruous Mirth
Forgotten Anniversary
Burnt Offerings

  SOLD   Medal Titles   Incomprehensible Instructions Burnt Offerings Persistent Porkies The Shaving Incident Selective Deafness

Medal Titles

Incomprehensible Instructions
Burnt Offerings
Persistent Porkies
The Shaving Incident
Selective Deafness

  Medal Titles   Clicking Jaw Opaque Rationale Lost Key Fiasco Languid Sighs Hand Squeezes   £665 + p&p - click here to  visit our shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #12.

Medal Titles
Clicking Jaw
Opaque Rationale
Lost Key Fiasco
Languid Sighs
Hand Squeezes

£665 + p&p - click here to visit our shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #12.

  SOLD   Medal Titles   Anecdote Recurrence Blaming the Dog Pathological Tardiness Compassion Selective Deafness

Medal Titles

Anecdote Recurrence
Blaming the Dog
Pathological Tardiness
Selective Deafness

  SOLD   Medal Titles   Over-Familiar Anecdote Raring to Go Christmas Profligacy Overabundance of Chefs Hazy Recall

Medal Titles

Over-Familiar Anecdote
Raring to Go
Christmas Profligacy
Overabundance of Chefs
Hazy Recall

  SOLD   Medal Titles   Alpha Madness Queen Bee-dom

Medal Titles

Alpha Madness
Queen Bee-dom

  Medal Titles   Unhinged Theories Backchat   £535 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #16.

Medal Titles
Unhinged Theories

£535 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #16.

  SOLD   Medal Titles   Distracted Nodding Smashed Heirloom

Medal Titles

Distracted Nodding
Smashed Heirloom


Medal Titles
Cooking Compliments
Cooking Critiques

  Medal Titles   Attention Span Unhinged Theories   £535 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #19.

Medal Titles
Attention Span
Unhinged Theories

£535 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #19.

  SOLD   Medal Titles   Tuneless Humming Mouthed Insults

Medal Titles

Tuneless Humming
Mouthed Insults

  Medal Titles   Cooking Compliments Cooking Critiques   £535 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #21.

Medal Titles
Cooking Compliments
Cooking Critiques

£535 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #21.


Medal Titles

Hissed Asides
Eye Rolling


Medal Titles
Incomprehensible Instructions
Suppressed Opinon

  Medal Titles   The Laundry Incident Blaming the Dog   £535 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #24.

Medal Titles
The Laundry Incident
Blaming the Dog

£535 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #24.

  Medal Titles   Broken Nights Frenzied Dancing Sheepish Apology   £595 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #25.

Medal Titles
Broken Nights
Frenzied Dancing
Sheepish Apology

£595 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #25.

  Medal Titles   Outré Music Tastes Wild Exaggeration Burnt Offerings   £595 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #26.

Medal Titles
Outré Music Tastes
Wild Exaggeration
Burnt Offerings

£595 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #26.

  Medal Titles   Frantic Search Christmas Profligacy The Laundry Incident Burnt Offerings Twin Set Offensive Pathological Tardiness   £725 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #27.

Medal Titles
Frantic Search
Christmas Profligacy
The Laundry Incident
Burnt Offerings
Twin Set Offensive
Pathological Tardiness

£725 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #27.

  SOLD   Medal Title   Head Tossing

Medal Title

Head Tossing


Medal Title
Footling Interruptions

  Medal Title   Golfing Yarns   £475 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #30.

Medal Title
Golfing Yarns

£475 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #30.

  Medal Title   Shoulder Leaning   £475 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #31.

Medal Title
Shoulder Leaning

£475 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #31.

  SOLD   Medal Titles   Cryptic Remarks

Medal Titles

Cryptic Remarks

  SOLD   Medal Title   The Shaving Incident

Medal Title
The Shaving Incident


Medal Title
Wild Claims

  SOLD   Medal Title   Love Muffindom

Medal Title

Love Muffindom

  Medal Titles   Rash Decisions   £475 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #36.

Medal Titles
Rash Decisions

£475 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #36.


Medal Title
Queen Beedom


Medal Title
Hissed Asides

  SOLD   Medal Title   Christmas Valour

Medal Title

Christmas Valour

  SOLD   Medal Title   Pathological Tardiness

Medal Title

Pathological Tardiness


Medal Titles
Loud Chewing


Medal Titles
Distracted Nodding
Wild Exaggeration

  Medal Titles   Quiet Fuming Incomprehensible Instructions Frantic Search L’Affaire du Rire Hystérique Descant Toleration   £665 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #42.

Medal Titles
Quiet Fuming
Incomprehensible Instructions
Frantic Search
L’Affaire du Rire Hystérique
Descant Toleration

£665 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #42.

   Medal Titles    Holiday Misadventure Swagger Swimming Against the Tide   £595 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, select “#43”

Medal Titles
Holiday Misadventure
Swimming Against the Tide

£595 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, select “#43”

  SOLD   Medal Titles   Incredulous Shriek Footling Interruptions Heroic Dancing Unexpected Snorts Ominous Silence
  Medal Titles   Ominous Silence Heroic Dancing Clicking Jaw Telling Glances Backseat Driving   £665 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #3.
  Medal Title   Quiet Fuming Backseat Driving Shoulder Leaning Shoe Fetish Alpha Madness    £665 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #4.
  Medal Titles   The Bathtime Incident Pass Ag Parking  Pathological Tardiness  Mouthed Insults  Wild Promises    £665 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #5.
  Medal Titles   Opaque Rationale  Tuneless Humming  Unexpected Snorts  Fumbled Apologies  Migratory Socks   £665 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #6.
  SOLD   Medal Titles   Distracted Nodding  Incredulous Yelp  Ominous Silence  Swimming Against the Tide  Heirloom Breakage
  SOLD   Medal Titles   Glazed Confusion Detonated Liberace Medal Sass Loud Chewing Expanding Waistband
  SOLD   Medal Titles   Icy Room Stoicism Timely Shrug Bear Hug Head Tossing Backseat Driving
  SOLD   Medal Titles   Dark Secrets Head Tossing Incongruous Mirth Forgotten Anniversary Burnt Offerings
  SOLD   Medal Titles   Incomprehensible Instructions Burnt Offerings Persistent Porkies The Shaving Incident Selective Deafness
  Medal Titles   Clicking Jaw Opaque Rationale Lost Key Fiasco Languid Sighs Hand Squeezes   £665 + p&p - click here to  visit our shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #12.
  SOLD   Medal Titles   Anecdote Recurrence Blaming the Dog Pathological Tardiness Compassion Selective Deafness
  SOLD   Medal Titles   Over-Familiar Anecdote Raring to Go Christmas Profligacy Overabundance of Chefs Hazy Recall
  SOLD   Medal Titles   Alpha Madness Queen Bee-dom
  Medal Titles   Unhinged Theories Backchat   £535 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #16.
  SOLD   Medal Titles   Distracted Nodding Smashed Heirloom
  Medal Titles   Attention Span Unhinged Theories   £535 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #19.
  SOLD   Medal Titles   Tuneless Humming Mouthed Insults
  Medal Titles   Cooking Compliments Cooking Critiques   £535 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #21.
  Medal Titles   The Laundry Incident Blaming the Dog   £535 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #24.
  Medal Titles   Broken Nights Frenzied Dancing Sheepish Apology   £595 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #25.
  Medal Titles   Outré Music Tastes Wild Exaggeration Burnt Offerings   £595 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #26.
  Medal Titles   Frantic Search Christmas Profligacy The Laundry Incident Burnt Offerings Twin Set Offensive Pathological Tardiness   £725 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #27.
  SOLD   Medal Title   Head Tossing
  Medal Title   Golfing Yarns   £475 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #30.
  Medal Title   Shoulder Leaning   £475 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #31.
  SOLD   Medal Titles   Cryptic Remarks
  SOLD   Medal Title   The Shaving Incident
  SOLD   Medal Title   Love Muffindom
  Medal Titles   Rash Decisions   £475 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #36.
  SOLD   Medal Title   Christmas Valour
  SOLD   Medal Title   Pathological Tardiness
  Medal Titles   Quiet Fuming Incomprehensible Instructions Frantic Search L’Affaire du Rire Hystérique Descant Toleration   £665 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #42.
   Medal Titles    Holiday Misadventure Swagger Swimming Against the Tide   £595 + p&p - click here to  visit the shop . On the order form drop-down for Medals, select “#43”

Medal Titles
L’Affaire Barbecue
Sly Wit
Deafening Thoughts
Pathological Tardiness
Shoulder Leaning

Medal Titles

Incredulous Shriek
Footling Interruptions
Heroic Dancing
Unexpected Snorts
Ominous Silence

Medal Titles
Ominous Silence
Heroic Dancing
Clicking Jaw
Telling Glances
Backseat Driving

£665 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #3.

Medal Title
Quiet Fuming
Backseat Driving
Shoulder Leaning
Shoe Fetish
Alpha Madness

£665 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #4.

Medal Titles
The Bathtime Incident
Pass Ag Parking
Pathological Tardiness
Mouthed Insults
Wild Promises

£665 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #5.

Medal Titles
Opaque Rationale
Tuneless Humming
Unexpected Snorts
Fumbled Apologies
Migratory Socks

£665 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #6.

Medal Titles

Distracted Nodding
Incredulous Yelp
Ominous Silence
Swimming Against the Tide
Heirloom Breakage

Medal Titles

Glazed Confusion
Detonated Liberace Medal
Loud Chewing
Expanding Waistband

Medal Titles

Icy Room Stoicism
Timely Shrug
Bear Hug
Head Tossing
Backseat Driving

Medal Titles

Dark Secrets
Head Tossing
Incongruous Mirth
Forgotten Anniversary
Burnt Offerings

Medal Titles

Incomprehensible Instructions
Burnt Offerings
Persistent Porkies
The Shaving Incident
Selective Deafness

Medal Titles
Clicking Jaw
Opaque Rationale
Lost Key Fiasco
Languid Sighs
Hand Squeezes

£665 + p&p - click here to visit our shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #12.

Medal Titles

Anecdote Recurrence
Blaming the Dog
Pathological Tardiness
Selective Deafness

Medal Titles

Over-Familiar Anecdote
Raring to Go
Christmas Profligacy
Overabundance of Chefs
Hazy Recall

Medal Titles

Alpha Madness
Queen Bee-dom

Medal Titles
Unhinged Theories

£535 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #16.

Medal Titles

Distracted Nodding
Smashed Heirloom


Medal Titles
Cooking Compliments
Cooking Critiques

Medal Titles
Attention Span
Unhinged Theories

£535 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #19.

Medal Titles

Tuneless Humming
Mouthed Insults

Medal Titles
Cooking Compliments
Cooking Critiques

£535 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #21.


Medal Titles

Hissed Asides
Eye Rolling


Medal Titles
Incomprehensible Instructions
Suppressed Opinon

Medal Titles
The Laundry Incident
Blaming the Dog

£535 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #24.

Medal Titles
Broken Nights
Frenzied Dancing
Sheepish Apology

£595 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #25.

Medal Titles
Outré Music Tastes
Wild Exaggeration
Burnt Offerings

£595 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #26.

Medal Titles
Frantic Search
Christmas Profligacy
The Laundry Incident
Burnt Offerings
Twin Set Offensive
Pathological Tardiness

£725 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #27.

Medal Title

Head Tossing


Medal Title
Footling Interruptions

Medal Title
Golfing Yarns

£475 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #30.

Medal Title
Shoulder Leaning

£475 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #31.

Medal Titles

Cryptic Remarks

Medal Title
The Shaving Incident


Medal Title
Wild Claims

Medal Title

Love Muffindom

Medal Titles
Rash Decisions

£475 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #36.


Medal Title
Queen Beedom


Medal Title
Hissed Asides

Medal Title

Christmas Valour

Medal Title

Pathological Tardiness


Medal Titles
Loud Chewing


Medal Titles
Distracted Nodding
Wild Exaggeration

Medal Titles
Quiet Fuming
Incomprehensible Instructions
Frantic Search
L’Affaire du Rire Hystérique
Descant Toleration

£665 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, this is option #42.

Medal Titles
Holiday Misadventure
Swimming Against the Tide

£595 + p&p - click here to visit the shop. On the order form drop-down for Medals, select “#43”

show thumbnails